..I run..Sometimes I hide..sometimes I'm scared of you...but all...oh wait no. This post wasn't supposed to be Britney Spears lyrics. It's almost impossible for me to start off a sentence with sometimes and NOT sing those lyrics.
Sometimes..I just want to say all the weird and often less-than-nice things that pop into my head. Obviously, I'm not going to otherwise no one would like me and everyone would hate me and I would have to go eat worms. But really.. If other people can make ridiculous status updates on facebook about the most personal details of their lives or the out-there idears they have..why can't I just blurt out my humble opinions? Hmm? And by blurt out, I mean comment on their post and add a lot of exclamation points.
I've run into this problem on Pinterest lately where I want to make a pinboard of all the ugly and dumb things I see on Pinterest. But then someone is going to follow that board and think that I like those things unless they look at the board name, which come on, how often do any of us do that. So yeah.